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“The Coptic Cross,”, Personal Essay

“At the age of 10, when I learned to water ski on the Aegean Sea, I proudly wrote to tell my grandfather. He wrote back to say he’d learned too, on the East River. “

“The Battle of Jericho,” Citizen, Short Fiction

“He never heard the dogs, but what pressed at his back was a communal terror, passed down from one person to the next until it had infiltrated childhood dreams. A force so unreasonable, so all- encompassing that there was no true escape from it.  When he woke with his back to a tree, he sensed that he wasn’t alone and hadn’t been for some time.  It was difficult to tell whether the presence was a projection of his dreams or something more real, something wearing the dark mantle of night, made of muscle and bone.  He ran again.” 

“In the Aftermath,” Granta, Short Fiction

“The night we moved Uncle Raleigh’s cold body into the dining room, the only one with a working air-conditioning unit, his spirit rose up again and teetered the few steps to our bedroom door, wheezing all the way.”

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